From Rick Warren 40 Days of Love: Life is about Relationships, not Accomplishments

“No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.” 

1 Corinthians 13:3 (MSG) 

We can rack up an incredible list of personal achievements, get our picture on the cover of Fortune magazine, win the Nobel Peace Prize, build a billion-dollar company, the list goes on . . . but none of this is worth much without love. 

God says life is about relationships, not accomplishments. 

It’s as simple as this: do we love God, and do we love people? 

T.R.A.C. and position volunteers next to brokenness. This proximity gives us an opportunity to love people with the love God has given us.  

Camp and mentoring stretch our spiritual muscles in ways most of us never expect. 

I’m so grateful for the chance to get out of the pews and into the outdoors to give campers a chance to experience God. 

Love is the only answer. 


72 Degrees


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