Say I Won’t

A Devo by Gary Duncan, Northwest Regional Director 

Watch Gary Miracle’s story:  

We all have a story that matters. 

Romans 8:28 was our memory verse this year at camp: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” 

Revelation 12:11 says, “We triumph over him (the enemy) by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.” 

Our campers have stories. Some of them are really hard to listen to. But volunteers at T.R.A.C. get the opportunity to be the comma in their story and be that place that helps facilitate this one phrase . . . but God. 

But God . . . 

All this was happening, but God stepped in and changed my life. 

God stepped in and changed Gary’s story in the music video above. 

I like to tell the youth at my church, “The difference isn’t what your story is; it’s who’s telling your story.” 

Who’s telling your story? 

If the enemy was telling Gary’s story, it would sound a lot different. 

The enemy wants us to have a story of failure, a story of lack, of no power, no purpose, a waste. 

But God has a different story. 

He can take all that garbage, all those ugly things that happened in the past and extract good things. God can teach us. He can use everything to help conform us into the image of His son. 

That’s our story. 

I used to be . . . but God stepped in. 

Life has purpose with God. 

The lyrics in Say I Won’t by MercyMe are a powerful reminder of a life with purpose. 

Say I won’t. 

I can do all thing through Christ who gives me strength. 

So, keep on saying I won’t, and I’ll keep proving you wrong. 

I’m gonna run, no, I’m gonna fly. 

I’m gonna know what it means to live and not just be alive. 

Three days CAN make a difference in the lives of the youth we serve because we’re on the side of God.  

But God . . . 


Adapted from The Chosen: Forty Days with Jesus, Book 1 Devotions


The Little Things (which really aren’t so little)