Book Recommendation
Unoffendable: How Just One Change Can Make All of Life Better by Brant Hansen is a must-read! During the Prayer & Vision Casting retreat, the national team read and discussed this incredible book. Check out some of our favorite quotes below:
Anger is extraordinarily easy. It’s our default setting. Love is very difficult. Love is a miracle.
Being offended is a tiring business. Letting things go gives you energy.
Yes, the world is broken. But don’t be offended by it. Instead, thank God that He’s intervened in it, and He’s going to restore it.
Refusing to be offended by others is a powerful door-opener to actual relationships. I don’t expect people who aren’t believers to act like followers of Jesus. Why should they?
The kingdom of God is not on defense.
Welcoming people into our lives isn’t “glossing over important issues.” Refusing to be angry about others’ views isn’t conflict avoidance or happy-talk. It’s the very nature of serving people. I don’t pretend the differences aren’t there; I just appreciate that God has a different timetable with everyone.
The myth of “righteous anger” actually impedes the taking of action, because it lets us congratulate ourselves for a feeling, rather than for doing something.
Choosing to be unoffendable, or relinquishing my right to anger, does not mean accepting injustice. It means actively seeking justice, and loving mercy, while walking humbly with God.
If you’re constantly being hurt, offended, or angered, you should honestly evaluate your inflamed ego.
When we choose, ahead of time—before conversations, before meetings, before our day begins—to be unoffendable, we’re simply choosing humility.
Forgiveness doesn’t have the short-term savory flavor of anger. Because we think our anger is righteous, there’s a certain deliciousness to it.
He really does want us to be the most unoffendable people on the planet, so strikingly different from a world awash in offense and judgment.
Realizing the beautiful scandal of our own forgiveness allows us to live a life free of corrosive anger.