Mentoring is the Answer!
Will and I just returned from CAFO, the Christian Alliance for Orphans conference, in Atlanta where I went to a session called the “Enduring Value of Supportive Relationships for Youth Transitioning out of Care.” This was led by Dr. Adrian van Breda, a priest and renown sociology professor at the University of Johannesburg who’s been studying aging-out youth for 30 years.
The study looked at 24 resilience enablers. The things we assume bring success—optimism, self-esteem, job skills, education—fall at the bottom of the list.
So, what enables better outcomes?
The professor quoted the Zulu proverb: Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu.
“A person is a person through other people.”
The problem with independent living programs is the lack of interdependence. Youth NEED connected, long-lasting relationships with adults, peers and mentors.
The answer is mentoring!
National Leadership Training for is March 22-24, 2023, in Omaha, Nebraska. Trainees report by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday and are released at 4:30 p.m. on Friday. Email Angela at with questions.