“Clothe yourselves with the beauty that comes from within,
the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is so precious to God.”
1 Peter 3:4
As volunteers prayed over various locations at camp last summer, Morgan Douglas, music leader for T.R.A.C. Issaquah, encouraged those gathered around the CrossTalk area to quiet themselves before God.
Later during debrief, one of the volunteers, a busy, young, working mother of a child with a chronic illness, commented how refreshed she felt. Peace flooded her as she stopped to get quiet before God.
In Lions, Fire, and Prayer—Oh My!, the CrossTalk curriculum, an optional extracurricular reflection activity is added. The desire is to create a time and space for campers to pause, actively reflect on their lives and process the things holding them captive in life. This is an opportunity to teach the campers how to slow down and reflect in a meaningful way.
How often do we slow down to process life as an adult? Do we intentionally get quiet before God? Now, consider our campers.
Let’s not wait until camp to practice getting quiet before God. What if we reach for the Word before our phones when we first wake up? What if we actively listen for God’s voice? How would this change the pace and tone of our day?
Not only will we feel peace, our families, our friends, our campers will see the difference when we get quiet before God. Guaranteed.