If You Love Me, Then Why Will You Leave Me?
by Javona Douglas, Lead Facilitator
Statesboro, Georgia
Stating it was hot, was an understatement. If I were him, I would be frustrated, too. Summer- time in Statesboro, Georgia, not only fosters new friendships and rekindles old ones at T.R.A.C., but the season also means extreme temperatures, suffocating humidity, and extroverted gnats.
Quinton stormed through the front door of the community center and sat underneath the fireplace mantle. Irritated because the campers were “forced” to stay outside while the adults enjoyed the air conditioning, he couldn’t see we were working hard to get lunch ready as quickly as possible.
Seeing past his contempt and envy, I wanted to reach his heart. I asked him to join me outside, and as we walked, I explained to him, none of us were paid. As volunteers, we were there because we loved him and wanted to share Christ’s love for him. Quinton stopped at the door’s entrance, positioned his body towards me and asked, “If you love me, then why will you leave me?”
I stared back at him, speechless.
In John 14, we see a similar discourse with Jesus and His disciples. Jesus knew His hour to leave the world to be with the Father was fast approaching. Although the disciples had been with Jesus and seen His ministry, they did not understand why it was imperative for Him to go.
Perhaps His faithfulness to God’s plan of salvation felt like what Quinton and I often fear: abandonment. Little did they know, their fear of abandonment would actually be dissipated by the Father’s total abandonment of His Son, something we as believers deserve, but will never have to experience. Gentle and lowly in heart, Jesus comforted His disciples by assuring them an Advocate, the Holy Spirit, would come.
Jesus did not shy away from warning the disciples they would experience trouble in this world, (John 16:33) so, at the end of camp, I wrote a letter to Quinton explaining how I was still learning to trust God with people leaving, because it is hard to watch people you love go. I also encouraged Him by sharing that God will always be there with him, like He had been with me as well.
As volunteers, we are vessels, and we know the end of the story. He is risen.
How can we serve teens in foster care in obedience and point them to our Heavenly Father, who has promised to “never leave them as orphans?” (John 14:8)
Our job, if we love Him, is to keep His commandments.
Like our mantra at Teen Reach:
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27