Planting Seeds of Hope

By Serena Howell

As I was preparing for R.E.A.C.H. Summit, I was reminded of the night Tim and I were originally called to start Teen Reach. We were in Houghton, NY, watching another Royal Family KIDS Camp graduation. 

Like each of you, God called us to something way beyond anything we were prepared to do. When we started the process, obeying was exciting and purposeful, resolute. We felt supported and encouraged by Wayne and Diane Tesch and many others. 

The path quickly became emotional, frightening and challenging. Like you, we didn’t even have a clue what we were doing or the obstacles we’d run up against, but we adapted, navigated a new course and asked for more help. We prayed a lot, and God blessed Teen Reach. 

Tim and I are frustrated gardeners. We recently found out the reason why our garden hasn’t done well: we’ve been watering too much. One of our neighbors planted tomatoes which are producing like crazy, but he only watered them twice during July, one of our hottest months in Oregon. He said something that stuck with me. Plants don’t shoot down deep roots unless they’re stressed. When they shoot their roots down deeper into the soil to find water, they produce more because they also tap into more nourishment. 

Sounds a lot like Colossians 2:7. “Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” 

I have experienced this cause and effect in my own life. As I grow my roots down deeper into His love, Grace, Truth, Kindness, Patience, Faithfulness, God’s word says, I will be more like Him. 

We can’t produce if our roots stay at the surface. We will grow weary and feel overwhelmed because we do everything ourselves instead of tapping into God’s peace, His understanding, truth and grace. This truth is echoed in 2 Corinthians 4:16. “That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, but our spirits are being renewed every day.” 

So, how do we ensure that our spirits get renewed every day? 

  1. Stay connected/Deepen our faith walk. Stay connected with God individually and meet regularly to pray with others for your Teen Reach chapter and you as a leader. 

  2. Ask for Help. Ask for help from your national team. The regional directors, trainers, Will, Angela, Gary and Preston are knowledgeable and very willing to help. 

  3. Delegate. Learn and enjoy the art of delegation. Be willing to ask for help from your local team. Let go of jobs others can do or delete/simplify the process. 

  4. Review your Job Description. Fruit is not in our job description. God is in charge of the results.  

First Corinthians says, “The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose, but God is in charge of bringing the fruit. 

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for burdening my heart to care for the most vulnerable. I pray that you will renew my strength, remind me of the call you originally laid on my life, give me the discipline to grow my roots deep into you, and help me to tap into your truth, your grace and your peace. Calm my anxiety, Lord, and reroute my desire to please others more than you. Quiet my soul. I pray that you give me energy and diligence as I continue to plant and water your truth, hope and love into others along my path. Amen. 


Shout Out to Dawn, Mentor from Austin, Texas


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